Guide to Developing Effective Startup Hiring Strategy
Starting a personal venture can be a great idea but you should be aware of the hurdles that will come along the journey as well. There are several examples of start-ups that blossomed into successful mid and large-sized businesses. However, instances of start-ups that failed to grow owing to a lack of proper planning and growth strategies are countless, too. One major challenge many small business owners face is recruitment. Recruiting the right candidates befitting a new venture is not easy and you will need a well-crafted startup hiring strategy.
The hurdles faced by start-ups: why a startup hiring strategy is needed?
Regardless of the sector, several start-ups cope with recruitment-related hurdles in their early days. Some of the problems are:
- A majority of job seekers are skeptical about working in start-ups, to begin with. They feel unsure about the credibility of such companies and think their career growth prospects will be limited.
- For some job aspirants, working in start-ups is synonymous with putting up with reduced and limited amenities. Those habituated to getting perks and amenities from their employers would not like to join a start-up easily.
- For many small businesses, monetary resources are limited. That makes it hard for them to reach out to potential job seekers quickly.
- Typically, Job seekers think working in a new venture may not be a secure option. If the business does not grow, they may resort to cost-reduction measures and those include laying off a section of the workforce. In an era when reputed MNCs and technology giants are resorting to layoffs, the fear is not entirely unfounded.
To overcome these problems, developing and implementing a solid strategy for startup recruitment is necessary.
Tips to develop a robust and effective startup hiring strategy
You will gain by utilizing the below-listed measures to augment the recruitment process of your start-up venture.
Thinking of startup hiring needs
Before you get into the recruitment process for your venture, think of the recruitment needs carefully. How many employees do you need to hire at the initial stage? It may not be necessary to hire a lot of candidates in the early stage. Another thing you need to think of is the skill level of the candidate and their experience. You may not always need to hire candidates with decades of expertise for a post in a start-up.
Hiring without hurry
The age-old proverb of haste makes waste holds true for startup hiring as well! Your growing venture may have some positions to be filled but that does not mean you will recruit horridly, without assessing the applicants well. Rushing through the recruitment ropes leads to hassles, in most cases. Recruiting inefficient and unsuitable candidates will not help in making your venture popular or getting more buyers, for sure. So, adopting a slow and steady method for recruitment in such entities makes sense.
Using multiple channels for recruitment
Just because your monetary resources are limited, it does not mean you cannot use multiple means to augment recruitment for your start-up. Do not stick to any one method for finding apt candidates for your venture. A proper startup hiring strategy involves the usage of various channels for hiring new candidates. These are:
You can publish ads in regional newspapers and magazines for hiring candidates in your small venture. Regional publication ads will cost you less than ads published in the leading dailies.
Job portals
You will have to search and compare the popular job portals. Some of these employment portals let employers publish job posts at low rates or for free with some limitations.
Social media platforms
The popularity of social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook barely needs an introduction. A lot of brands already use these digital platforms for reaching out to job seekers and there is no reason why you should not do the same. The nice thing is these platforms allow users to post job adverts at low rates or free of cost.
Google ads
Using search engine ads can be useful for recruitment needs. You can hire a freelance digital marketer to develop an ad campaign for your recruitment needs.
Word of mouth
Even in this technology-driven era, the good old word-of-mouth approach works well. For start-up owners, using references of ex-colleagues and friends for finding suitable candidates is a common practice and sometimes it yields good results, too.
Highlighting the salient benefits
It is true that a section of potential applicants feels hesitant about working in a start-up. So, your startup hiring strategy should include highlighting the USP of your venture. In the job posts, mention what is unique and enticing about working in your venture. It can include benefits like a relaxed dress code, flexible off-days, eco-friendly setup and more. Offering the opportunity for occasional remote work may help you attract more suitable applicants, too.
Utilizing your existing workforce
For many start-ups, keeping a dedicated HR team for handling recruitment operations is not a feasible option. If that is the ease with your venture too, do not despair! Develop flexible strategies for recruitment where your existing employees can be used in hiring new candidates. Some of your employees may be good at specific tasks like those required for taking interviews, doing background checks and so on. Have a detailed consultation with them and allot responsibilities to the suitable employees.
Opting for partial outsourcing
As a start-up owner, you may not be very enthusiastic about the idea of opting for recruitment outsourcing. However, the reality is it is not very expensive, especially when you choose the right option. There exist some RPO agencies that offer selective outsourcing packages for clients with limited budgets. So, you can sign up for the services of these agencies and recruit candidates for major posts through them. For filling up the other designations, you can use other channels. Such a startup hiring strategy will help you strike a balance.
Using Freelancer
When your company is new and the monetary resources are constrained, hiring freelancing professionals can be useful. With a little effort, you can find veteran, professional freelancers with skills in various disciplines. The cost of hiring such freelancing professionals will be lower than hiring regular employees. You may also hire candidates who are comfortable with the idea of remote work, including students looking for additional income. This ensures you do not have to invest in resources immediately.
Take the first step in revolutionising your startup recruitment strategy today. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and let our experts help you find the best talent for your team
Pitfalls for startup hiring
When you begin looking for new candidates for your new venture, it is necessary to evade certain pitfalls. These pitfalls should have no place in your startup recruitment strategy:
Going on an overdrive
Of course, you need to hire apt candidates for various posts in your new venture. That does not need you to get into overdrive mode. It is necessary that you realize recruiting the right candidates for any company, including a start-up may take time. It depends on the type of channels used and the strategy implemented etc.
Evading paid packages
Just because your venture is a small one and the budget is limited, it does not mean you should not look for paid packages offered by recruitment agencies or job portals. Some online packages come with free trial options too.
Relying on any one channel
Some small business owners make the mistake of relying too much on any specific channel for finding and recruiting new candidates. This will bottleneck your growth prospects and finding the apt candidate will be a lengthy process. Utilize all possible channels to find apt candidates for various posts.
Summing it up
Start-ups in many sectors cope with a set of hurdles when it comes to hiring the right candidates. However, by developing and implementing the right startup hiring strategy, most such obstacles can be overcome. Seeking professional recruitment assistance can also be beneficial in such instances.
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