Hire the Best
Recruitment Agency in Pune

For all types of recruitment needs in Pune, you can contact us. PeopleNorth, a recruitment agency in Pune, offers comprehensive recruitment services for clients of diverse types. We cater to startups and big ventures for recruitment needs.
As a leading recruitment agency in Pune, we have dealt with clients from various niches including retail, healthcare, financial services and IT etc. Contact this Job agency in Pune for comprehensive as well as partial recruitment requirements.
How do we do it?
At first, we offer a consultation session to prospective clients for their recruitment needs.
After client nod, we analyze client company recruitment needs using various metrics.
Hiring Support
We recommend contingency hiring, turnkey hiring or RPO services as required by the client.
& Closure
We take special care to ensure the right fit at the right time, irrespective of levels and industries.