Recruitment Consultancy in Gurgaon

Recruitment consultancy in Gurgaon

Over the past few decades, Gurgaon has transformed from a sleepy suburb of New Delhi into a vibrant metropolis and a major hub for business, technology, and commerce. At PeopleNorth, as a recruitment consultancy in Gurgaon, we understand the challenges businesses face in finding the right candidates to drive their success. That’s why we offer tailored recruitment solutions designed to meet your unique hiring needs. 

Whether you’re a startup looking to expand your team or an established corporation seeking specialised talent, we have the expertise and resources to help you find the perfect fit. Much like the vibrant city of Gurgaon, our agency pulsates with dynamism, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to excellence in recruitment.

How we cater to varying client recruitment needs


We have been working with a range of industries, with our specialisation in Automotive, Power & Energy, BFSI, etc.


We take the time to understand your company culture and values to deliver personalised solutions.


With our vast network, we connect you with top-tier candidates perfectly suited for your job openings.


We conduct rigorous screening and assessment to bring the right fit for our clients to match their needs.

recruitment consultancy in Gurgaon

Placement Consultancy in Gurgaon to help you wth your needs

PeopleNorth caters to the recruitment needs of multiple types of businesses including start-ups, mid-sized entities and large scale enterprises. As a top placement consultancy in Gurgaon, we offer selective as well as comprehensive Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)  services with ample customisations.

Choose PeopleNorth as your Recruitment Consultancy in Gurgaon