tête-à-tête with Sachin Biyani , Managing Director -Suroj Buildcon

tête-à-tête with Sachin Biyani , Managing Director -Suroj Buildcon

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”, as apt as a statement by Warren Bennis, our leader-of-the- contemporary generation, attests it for real.
Sachin Biyani, Managing Director, Suroj Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. candidly shares with us his journey of over 22 years in industrial construction & infrastructure segment. He talks passionately about the core essence of raising an empire and setting the right foundation.
While Suroj Buildcon is a mere 5 years old organization, they have grown with leaps and bounds, standing at INR 600 cr. and targeting an enthusiastic number for the next year. However, when talking to Mr. Biyani, he humbly talks about his people in the organization, and of those who have helped him grow as a human being and a leader.

Your organization is doing phenomenally well today, especially when many similar organizations are going through rough time. To what do you attribute your success?

Resilience. Nobody ever succeeded in life without facing failures. It was failure which drove me to do better and work harder every time. I made mistakes and so did my team, however, we took it as learning every time. It is not easy to be motivated the same day you feel defeated but staying in the pothole never helps build the road. There are times when circumstances are tough, projects go in doldrums but it is our commitment to deliver that keeps us going. We ensure we work aggressively and more extensively, when things are not in our favour, with the belief that every time we overcome a tough situation, we would feel grateful towards everything that forced us to evolve as an organization and as leader

What is legacy for you?

Relationships with people I have worked with – I  am  working  with.  In the hustle-bustle of life, it is easy to believe that ‘I’ and done it all ‘myself’. But the truth is your experience in life and the people who have been a  part  of your journey is what makes you. It is the people who  trusted  in  you, invested in you who were kind enough to even hear you out. I would not have been able to reach here if it weren’t for the people who stood by  me,  taught me, and lent a  helping  hand  in  building Suroj brick by brick. Your acquired skills are always to be  credited to the people who  you acquired them from and not entirely to you. I was constantly guided by my mentors to stay resilient in the face of setbacks. I still look up to them and consult them to seek solutions.
So, at the end of the day legacy for me is all about the people whose life I have been able to contribute to and the honest relationships I have been able to garner.

What is the one thing a person must have to grow in life?

Commitment is essential. One must have a sense of belongingness towards the organisation only then would they be able to drive their individual tasks well and contribute to a macro level success for the Organization. I have always been surrounded by people who have shown personal involvement in the growth of Suroj and I am really Grateful for it. Everyone from the directors to the employees have focused their efforts in the collective growth of the organization and in turn have seen personal growth too. And  I personally attribute this collective growth to the sense of commitment one has towards his/her organization. So, if it were to boil down to one thing that is a must, it would be to create a mindset of committing to collective growth rather than individual growth.

One message you would have for the young leaders of tomorrow.

If an individual aim’s to truly become a leader I believe it is important to be patient about your growth. People who aim only for personal growth tend to jump companies in order accelerate their growth but with this approach one soon hits stagnation- stagnation in maturity. One might become efficient in completing tasks, but I genuinely believe that growing with a  company is what brings maturity in an individual and it is this very maturity which is required to be a leader.

About Author

Sachin Biyani

Sachin Biyani

Managing Director, Suroj Buildcon Pvt. Ltd

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